Monday, April 7, 2008

Back in Focus

Our new camera card came in last weekend, so we're finally back in focus. I know you must be as excited as I am:)

As many of you know, nearly a year ago we started a "little" project to add a screen porch onto the back of our house. Well that "little" project is still not finished. Almost, but not there yet. I figure I have a good 15 tubes of caulk left to apply, and at least 2 gallons of paint to go. And Jeff has a good solid weekend of finishing touches to finish up before we'll be officially finished. Wow that's a mouthful. For those of you who are joining us late in this journey, let me recap.

Old Porch/New Porch

This is what mixing 40 (80lb) bags of concrete at 1AM in the morning looks like. And just in case your wondering, yes Jeff way overshot that calculation. The porch is our new storm cellar, it's the safest room in the house. And as an aside, for those of you who don't believe me when I tell you that one of my eyes is higher than the other, please look closely at this picture (click on it to look really close). This is why I always tilt my head in pictures, and why my great grandmother's first words to me, rather my mom, were, "One of that baby's eyes is higher than the other one." I rest my case.

And here is the fruit of our labors - designed by my amazing husband and built by him too - with a little help here and there from me, my dad and some friends. My main contribution has been painting and caulking and holding boards as needed. Although I did shingle the entire roof myself, and it looks pretty darn good if I do say so myself. I also painted the ceiling - 3 times! Don't ask.

Jeff built the swing and doors too. My husband really is amazing.

And here we are enjoying the porch, well one side of it, with our good friends across the road Gina and Brian. Sunday night I called Gina at 7pm to see if they wanted to come over for dinner at 8pm. And since Jeff and I are always late for our own party, we really didn't eat until about 8:45PM. Thank God for all of our wonderful friends that put up with us! Although the late hour did make for a cozy albeit chilly evening around the chiminea.


Lisa said...

I LOVE IT!!! Once the pollen season is over, I'd be out there every day.

Brooke said...

Courtney, that porch is AMAZING!! I wish we lived closer so we could enjoy a beautiful dinner outside in Georgia. You and Jeff did such a great job- you're both so handy! I wouldn't know how to shingle a roof! Way to go!!!!

Suzanna said...

Jeff IS awesome (and Caroline has her own little piece of his handiwork to qualify that statement), but you sell yourself helped a LOT! Your porch is awesome! I've never been able to fully enjoy it because it's been too cold for me since you guys have gotten it so close to done...but I can't wait for summer evenings with you guys out there. I think you guys owe us a few dinners, right? ;) Just kidding--maybe we can BRING dinner for once!

Unknown said...

It's amazing how different the porch makes the back of the house look. Wow! Jeff and you really did do a fantastic job! I hope my bathroom turns out half as well!