Monday, April 21, 2008

For Anyone Else Wondering

I am NOT pregnant! Maybe a few pounds heavier than last summer, but definitely not incubating anything yet. And if you're wondering where this post is coming from, let me recap a conversation from this afternoon.

Coworker 1: "You look different today, are you pregnant?"

Me: "Haha noooo, but since you're the 3rd person to ask me that this month I'm starting to get a little paranoid," was my awkwardly witty reply. "Maybe it's my hair, this is the first time in 3 months I've worn it down."

Coworker 1: "No, you really look like you might be pregnant."

Coworker 2: "What does a newly pregnant woman look like exactly."

Mind you at this point, after my obvious embarrassment at being referred to as pregnant, I'm expecting a reference to the fact that I look like I'm glowing, or some other stereotypical but flattering pregnancy description.

Coworker 1: "Well, the first couple of months you usually look pretty pekid, with the morning sickness and all. And then you get puffy, because your body starts retaining all of it's liquids...."

Me: "Haha - wow - pekid and puffy. I feel really good about myself right now, but I promise I'm not pregnant. "

Coworker 1: "Well I'm not saying you look like that, you just look different."

Me: "Well again, I can promise you I'm not pregnant."

At this point, after the humiliation of being referred to as tepid and puffy, you would think she'd shut-up. But no, to add insult upon injury .....

Coworker 1: "It's okay, you don't have to tell me if you're pregnant."

Me: "But really I'm not, I swear."

Coworker 1: "Seriously, I'm not trying to pry into your personal life. You really don't have to say anything if you don't want to."

Me: "Okay, well, I'm going to go indulge in my weekly nonfat latte. To feed my imaginary baby. " I really didn't say that last part, but I sure wanted to!

AUUGGGHH! What is wrong with some people This woman obviously has no filter.


Suzanna said...

So funny...everyone wants you to be pregnant if they think there is ANY chance. I had some kind of crazy awful stomach bug yesterday, and just about everyone that we told about it insisted that I must be pregnant again. (Let's just say that that would truely be a miracle the Jesus kind.)

If it makes you feel any better, you don't look tepid or puffy to me...and even if you were puffy, you'd still be the skinniest little body I know!

Lisa said...

OMG, some people have no class! And Josh notes that "tepid" is water that is luke warm and that there's no way person can "look tepid." I bet you were just cuter than them that day and they were all weird with that. =)

Brooke said...

GOOD GRIEF! That's ridiculous.

I so wish you'd said the imaginary baby thing. Really, I do...

Brooke said...

Wow! I can't believe the nerve of some people. I think you look *amazing* in all the pictures I've seen! When I was newly pregnant with Tyson (and still carrying extra weight from Riley), people insisted I must be having twins because I was WAY too big already to only be 10 weeks along- OUCH!

I would be avoiding that co-worker for sure! :) It will be fun to get REAL pregnancy news from you... someday!

Alaskiana said...

Whoops it was supposed to be pekid not tepid - see it was such a horrible memory I'd already started trying to forget it:)

Whitlamy said...

You are the skinniest person I know. You're so cute and beautiful. That girl is NUTS!!!

Alaskiana said...

I love you guys! And I promise I'm not fishing for compliments with this story, it was just SO BIZARRE! She would not let it go!

JABraley said...

That is SO bizarre and I promise you, I did not think you looked Pekid or Puffy when I last saw you! You need to go up to her in a few weeks and say, "wow, you look really puffy today...pregnant?" ;)

Anonymous said...

oh no she/he did-ent! How in the world did that person get so deep into that conversation without wanting to back peddle out!? Geez!

When I was 8 weeks pregnant with my second baby a co-worker accused me of eating for three! Yikes!