Sunday, April 13, 2008

My Sweet Grandparents

My sweet grandparents always host a special dinner for Jeff and I on or around our birthdays. Tonight we came together to celebrate Jeff's 28th, which is coming up on Friday the 18th. And we love that Mimi and Pawpaw befriended our friends Brian and Gina after meeting them at our house a little over a year ago, so they were included in the festivities this evening too. Mimi made a delicious dinner of Mamaw's Chicken and Dumplings. What a treat!

Mimi and Pawpaw

I love going to Mimi and Pawpaw's house because it still reminds me of the wonderful summers we spent with them here in Atlanta growing up. They always made our visits south special in a way that only grandparents can. Twenty-seven years later I still love hanging out with them, and they never cease to amaze me with everything and everybody they're involved with. They are lovely, generous people with more friends than anybody I know. We are so lucky to have them here in Atlanta with us.

I really did not get any great pictures from the dinner, but I'm posting the ones I have anyway. Although we did have a little bit to drink with dinner, we didn't have as much as it may look like in these pictures:)

On another note, Jeff and I are both extremely blessed to have grown up with both sets of our grandparents.

This is my Granny and Grandpa, who officially live in Alaska but come to Mississippi several times a year to escape the cold. We hope someday they'll move to MS for good, but until them will enjoy them while they're here. We used to love spending the night at Granny and Poppa's in Alaska. And don't ask me how this worked, but until I was 7 or 8 years old all 4 of us cousins slept in the bed with my grandparents when we stayed the night. And no it wasn't to stay warm during the frigid Alaskan winters, we were actually terrified that the marshmallow man/ghost from ghostbusters was going to get us. Go figure! And no one makes a better biscuit than my Grandpa - I still beg him to whip some up every time we visit. And all of the beautiful quilts at our house are handmade compliments of Granny.

Grandpa and Granny

This is Jeff's Grandmamma and Grandaddy - both live in De-Ridder Lousiaina. We don't get to see them nearly as much as we'd like, but treasure the times we do. I love how their house is always the gathering place during our visit, and where I met most of Jeff's relatives for the very first time. They have at least 4 freezers full of food - plenty for anyone that stops by. And we always make sure to stop by for one of Grandaddy's famous breakfasts of waffles, biscuits, bacon and eggs. Delicious!

Picture 1: Jeff, Grandaddy and his cousin Stephen. Picture 2: Jeff, Grandmamma and Aunt Jan.

This is Jeff's Mawmaw and Pawpaw, who still live on the street he grew up on in DeRidder. We always enjoy our coffee breaks with them every afternoon we're in town. Jeff has many wonderful memories of spending the weekends at their house with all of his cousins - and of course all the trouble they got into. Mawmaw and Pawpaw had their hands full, that's for sure! We always enjoy spending time with them and hearing stories about the boys growing up.

Jeff and I with Mawmaw and Pawpaw

We are also blessed to have two of Jeff's Great Grandmother's with us, Mama Lea and Gamma. Mamma Lea is our favorite Brave's fan! She never misses a game.

We are both truly blessed to have such wonderful Grandparents and Great Grandparents!


Whitlamy said...

This is a sweet post. I lost my last grandfather about 3 months before Bryce was born. So, you are very blessed to have all of them to love on/be loved by. I hope Bryce will have his grandparents around for a long, long time.

Brooke said...

Are you in MS right now??

Alaskiana said...

Nada, but we will be in town end of the month - the 25th. Maybe we can meet up for lunch or something!

Anonymous said...

I would like to know what kind of bad stories Jeff has been telling you. As far as I remember, we were very good at Grandma and PawPaw's house!!!!