Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Warm Wedding Whatnots

It's hard to believe our 5 year anniversary is coming up in August. There is a part of me that wishes we could go back and do that beautiful day all over again. Not all of the planning, just the fun wedding day part:) I feel like the 2 people standing at the altar on August 16, 2003 were complete strangers - we've both grown so much that I hardly remember who we were back then. In fact I hardly remember anything about our wedding day. Thank goodness we have plenty of wonderful pictures to remind us of everything. Marriage is not easy, in fact it's one of the hardest things I've ever done - but it's so worth it. And I thank God everyday for blessing me with such a wonderful husband. We've definitely had our fair share of trials - more than our fair share it seems at times, but I can't imagine anyone else for me.

I seriously think we could produce our own version of "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" someday - although a better title would probably be "3 ER Trips and a Wedding." For those of you who haven't heard about our insane wedding week, let me give you the highlights in a nutshell:

1. Jeff gave Courtney the flu a week and a half before the wedding, so all the things she needed to get done were pushed back into the wedding week itself.
2. Courtney's mom fell off the shed roof helping her dad the Saturday before the wedding and was on Codeine the entire week. She actually fractured her back (thank heavens she didn't break it!) but didn't find that out until weeks later. So you can imagine what a good mood she was in for everything. And why was she on the shed roof you ask??? Well 10 days before the wedding my dad decided he had to build a shed to the clean out the garage. Right....
3. We spent all afternoon Wednesday before the wedding in the ER with Courtney's pregnant matron of honor from out of town. Thank goodness it was a treatable issue and not anything that required bed rest or hospitalization!
4. My pregnant sister-in-law had to go to the hospital the right after the bridesmaid luncheon - again thank goodness it was nothing serious.
5. My maid of honor got extremely sick two days before the wedding. We thought it was mono but it ended up being a bad cold.
6. The day before the wedding I had to go to the hospital.....JUST KIDDING - although it wouldn't have surprised me in the least! Although I did break down at the rehearsal after a multitude of calamaties - again nothing serious just the straws that broke the camel's back.

Add to that a bunch of crazy family dynamics, and it ended up being quite an interesting week. Despite all, the wedding itself was BEAUTIFUL and PERFECT and I'm so thankful to both families, my church family from MS and all of my wonderful friends for their part in making such a special day. I've posted a few pictures from a CD I found last weekend. And as an aside, you might notice that Jeff is wearing glasses in these pictures, something he hasn't done again since that very day I do believe. And why is he wearing them in our wedding pictures you ask? Because he was trying to hide his bloodshot circle laden (hungover) eyes - he finally admitted that to me a couple of years ago. I think it's hilarious now - although I know I would not have felt the same way had I had known back then:) Funny how that works. And along with being the last time he wore his glasses that was probably the last time Jeff had a hangover too, just so you know.

One more thing about marriage - Jeff loves to tell everyone about our fights over really important things - like which way the toilet paper roll is supposed to go on the holder and the right way to fold underwear and t-shirts. Which by the way, although I did learn how to fold a t-shirt correctly so it doesn't have a crease down the middle, I refuse to fold underwear his way (in 6 quarters). I mean come on - underwear? Who gives a flip?! Once over and away!

Isn't it funny all the things you fight about your first year that seem SOO important at the time. Now we fight about much more significant issues, like who is going to clean the kitchen or take the dog out. My we've come a long way:) But I do love my husband more than I can easily express - the obsessive compulsive underwear folding toilet paper nazi that he is!


Whitlamy said...

This made me think of the night ya'll were over and we laughed and laughed about the first years of marriage. And, it still cracks me up that our bridesmaid's dresses and flowers were literally almost exactly the same. Great minds think alike (ha!). We're looking forward to hanging out this weekend and catching up with you guys.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, good memories! That was also the night I got engaged, right after your reception!!!! =)

Brooke said...

Wow! That picture... back in the day.

Brooke said...

Reading your post brought back so many memories- I had completely forgotten Courtney's visit to the ER! What a wacky, but beautiful week. It made my wedding day throwing up seem so minor in comparison! :) BT

Unknown said...

Jeff gets his obsessive compulsiveness honestly. :)